Monday, January 16, 2012

[Emptiness... Nothingness... Love...] December 20, 2010

What You are...
There is a thought of becoming someone and Some Body,
There is a thought of doing something,
There is a thought of being useful to someone,
There is a thought of being someone else,
There is even a thought of ending life,
There is a thought of lighting and watching the smoke go by,
There is a thought of hiding the my outer appearances,
And there is a thought saying who are you to catch these thoughts and make it your own?
Then I say to thee, what am I?
I am not the thought which often comes and goes,
And which pulls me away,
Though they come and go... quietly I know these belong to someone else,
And I have captured them, stolen them, borrowed them and even have given it my name.  
What sort of thought fills, the holes created by me, is my choice;
Thought is an energy that fills into any empty space.
Thought is a dimension that exists in a dimension which is serene,
There is a thought of creation,
There is a thought of manifestation,
There is a thought of improving,
There is a thought of choosing the path,
There is a thought of being,
There is a thought of feeling empty nothingness,
There is a thought of being connected,
There is a thought of my love and being in love,
There is a serious need to be these thoughts,
I am not the thought;
I know I cannot be, 
There was a thought before I was born,
And the thought was nothing but the emptiness itself. 
But the thought is becoming me is more than ever;
What am I?
If I say, I am emptiness, then I know not what it means;
If I say, I am nothingness, then I know not what it means;
If I say, I am creation, then I know not what it means;
If I say, I am love, then I know not what it means;
If I say, I am you, then I know not what you are;
Show me what you are? 
I need to see you;
I need to feel you;
I need to hear you;
I need to understand you;
There is an ‘I’ in me;
In you there is no you.
When you show me who you are;
When you show me what you feel like;
When you show me how to understand you;
Only then can I free me;
There is no need to seek for anything;
And there is no you or me;
But only Creation;
Only Emptiness;
Only Nothingness;
And only Love in completeness;

Friday, January 13, 2012

Masking on Invisibility Cloak

Inside, a little soul is deep in thought to find the meaning of life. A smile spreads on her lips as she remembers one of her joyous moment. As the air circulates from the wings of the fan, she begins to wonder, "Will i ever find someone who will totally understand me?". And settles down to take a closer look outside.

Outside, a winter breeze makes the leaves in my garden - dance in its invisibility cloak. One moment there is calm contemplation of the trees exposed to a light - sun light. The next moment, they all catch the quiet dance of my garden leaves and decide to play along to the tunes in the invisibility cloak. As the moment comes closer to stillness, they all stop to take a closer look inside at the little girl. They think to themselves, "Is she doing all this to us, or are we the ones doing this to her? I guess, we ll never know".

Joyful day - Comforting night

Outside, the sun is joyful as the day ends, gentle breeze makes way toward me through the gaps in the trees creating a rustle; it was though their whispered secret was revealed. A mother bird nuzzles closer toward her chicks.

Inside, the lit tube-light spreads a smile on a little girl, the wind runs through the gaps in her hair causing a swishing noises, she nuzzles slowly towards her mother's ears, making a wall with her hand on the mouth. A giggle begins to form a comforting bond.